Home WEB NOVELS Everybody's Man Everybody’s Man – Chapter 7

Everybody’s Man – Chapter 7

Everybody's Man - A semi romance lite novel by fabling pam. read free stories online, nigeria

Everybody’s Man – Chapter 7 – Web novel, Femi, Alero, Drama, Romance, Slice of Life, Fabling, Pam, Free Web Novel

Femi rolled off his bed, the voice in his head had gone quiet the second Alero showed up. He looked behind him to see her sleeping soundly. She had whooped his ass until she passed out, then he took her to sleep.

If she hadn’t shown up, he would have woken up for his first day at work with a massive headache in the morning.

He pulled his duvet to cover her properly then got dressed for work.

Before leaving, he placed a note beside her. ‘Coffee is in the flask.’ The note read.

At work the new HR welcomed him with a hug, he felt she was not acting HR-ly, but he knew why he got the job. He was qualified for the job, but he did not earn it by merit alone, and now they were alone.

“Don’t be so tense.” She laughed. “I’ve been anticipating your arrival.”

She released him from the hug when he would not respond and started the tour.

“That’s the counter. Of course, you will no longer be working there. You are in the marketing department, follow me upstairs.”

He was wary about following her because he knew the worst that could happen, but lately, he hadn’t been feeling like it. Like quelling the sinking hole in his chest with a woman’s moans. He wondered if he should just quit the job and quit women altogether, but that thought brought back memories he had long suppressed.

“Femi, is that you?”

He turned to see his old friend Chidi walk in from the staff entrance. “Chidi, you work here?”

“You’re starting here today. Wow, how is Alero? I mean welcome.” Chidi said, “Ha, Madam HR. Good Morning oh, this is my friend from university.”

“Ha, I see.” She said, “Well since you are old friends. Why don’t you give him a tour of the office, you are in the same department. Put him through.”

Femi could tell that Chidi’s presence had offended her; and whatever offence that was, had made her lose interest in him. He could tell this, not just because of how she abruptly left even while speaking, but also because he heard her mutter ‘too bad’ under her breath.

“So far what do you think of this place?” Chidi asked once they had both gotten up the stairs.

“It’s okay, but I mean it’s not yet resumption time so I can’t form an opinion. But the infrastructure is nice.” Femi answered.

At the top of the stairs, before the main office, there was a sign-in machine. Chidi stopped to place his finger on it, and it displayed his name ‘Chidi Ukamma’ and his time in ‘6:30’

“I see you still can’t lie, or give single word answers.” Chidi laughed

“The IT team will register you on the system later,” Chidi said when he noticed that Femi had not laughed at his remark. “By the way how is Alero?”

“She is fine,” Femi answered.

“Are you still cock-blocking her?” He asked.

“Cock-blocking?” Femi asked.

“Come on, you know. Anyways forget it. Let’s go drinking one of these days.”

“I can’t forget it.” Femi continued.

“That’s your seat.” Chidi directed Femi to his seat which was next to his.

“I don’t cock block Alero, she is free to date anybody she wants.” Femi went to his seat but refused to let go of the topic. “In fact, we live in the same compound and she recently just broke up with her boyfriend of three whole months.”

“So she is single right now?” Chidi asked.

“Yes. But it is her choice.”

“And she is free to date anybody she wants to?”

“Yes, she is.”

”So you wouldn’t mind me calling her to reunite”

“Even better, you can pay her a surprise visit after work,” Femi added. He tried to sound though like he did not fear that a day would come when she would get tired of carrying his burden on her shoulders and abandon him. He tried to sound like he did not pray that Chidi would not take him up on his offer.

“Okay,” Chidi said, then turned on his desktop.

“The conversation about Alero ended. Until work ended and Chidi drove behind Femi to his apartment.


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