Let[‘s Play – Chapter 9

Let’s Play – Chapter 9: Nigerian, Free, Web Novel, Drama, Romance, Play Girl, Fabling Pam


“Hey, Liz!” I called out to one of Dan’s course mates who was having a gossip frenzy with a group of girls that I would never want to catch myself dead talking with. You know, those flabby girls with skimpy clothes who think they are so hot and spend their time gossiping about people like them or like Liz who is the opposite of her gossip partners. I wonder how they met!
“Hey!” she called back and continued with whatever topic she was dictating on.
“The Registrar asked me to call Mr. Okon.” I lied as I stopped walking and stood beside her “Have you seen him?”
“No, I haven’t,” She said it like I wasn’t even there.
“You know trying to wash me down in order to feel important in front of your friends doesn’t make you any better,” I said glaring at her.

“Mr. Okon just left his office. If you hurry up you can catch up with him.” One of the girls said with a sigh.
“At least one of them isn’t snubitch” I said as I walked off to the car park ignoring their eyes that were piercing lasers into my back.
The car pack was filled up with cars and I wasn’t sure if he had left yet so I decided to wait for a little and just when I was about to leave I saw him walk towards a silver Mercedes Benz. I tagged along my left in order to get a clear view of the car and a smile spread across my face as I saw a young girl laying back on the passenger seat of his car trying to prevent herself from being seen. I immediately took my BlackBerry out of my Jean’s pocket and took a picture. Then I walked away in my usual fast manner. Dan says that I would look like a model if I walked a little slower but what can I say? I can’t walk slower. Not now when I was tailing a nutty professor.
I got into my car, started the engine and reversed out of the car park, I then waited for the nutty professor to drive ahead of me and then I followed. I knew he would not notice me because from all the information I had gathered about him today he seemed to be that type of guy who thinks that he is so invincible that the world could never have anything on him plus no girl had ever pulled the red card on him so yup he felt his time hadn’t come yet.
I looked at my mirror and noticed a red Honda Baby Boy at my back “wow” I whispered to myself. That car was fine! I then removed one hand from the steering wheel and used it to untie my hair which I had tied up in a bun then using the same hand I brought out my lip gloss from my jean pocket and put the head between my lips and started unscrewing with my eyes still fixed on the Silver Mercedes in my front of me. The car turned right and I followed leaving my lip gloss in-between my lips and using my one free hand to turn the steering right. He turned left again and I followed again, after a while of going straight I drew my lip gloss out of my mouth with my left hand and the cover immediately came off. I then applied it then held the cap in-between my teeth and screwed it back. Then I placed the lip gloss back in my pocket and looked at my mirror again to make sure my lips were not looking like they just came out of an oil factory. Satisfied with my lips I smacked them together still looking at the mirror. Then I noticed the red Honda again.

I looked at the silver car in front of me and then up at my mirror to see the red car at my back.
If I stopped, the car might be filled with really porch robbers who might kill me and I would also lose track of the nutty professor. I decided to keep on following the professor and accept my fate. Plus, for all I know the car might just have been going in the same direction that I was. After all, I was the one tailing someone.
After a few more turns Mr. Okon parked in front of a club. Club Clarinet to be exact.
“I parked my car in an empty space far away from his car and then I noticed the red Honda pull up in another free space.
I waited to see the owner of the car and my jaw almost dropped to the ground!
‘Baby boy in a Baby Boy!’ I mentally squealed. A good thing I am a very focused person. I snapped out of it almost immediately and walked into the club as I winked at the bouncer. I somehow felt disappointed that the guy from the Baby boy did not tag me to kill me. But rather just happened to be heading to the same place that I was. Because as sick as it may sound; bad boys turned me on!
I spotted nutty prof sitting on a couch at the corner of the club alone then I looked around for the little handbag that walked into the club with him she was already at the bar chatting with the barman.
I walked over to him pretending to be tipsy “can I rest my head on you?” I asked but sat on his laps before he could reply “You are soft like Santa!” I squealed and giggled then I rested my head on his shoulder and took in his scent. I felt like filling a thousand gallons with vomit and I frowned but Immediately wiped the frown off my face as I remembered my reason for being there, in that club, sitting on that man’s lap and resting my head on his shoulder. The thought of ruining his life made me smile genuinely and I began to move my index finger in a circular movement on his chest.

“Seems you already have a guest, I guess I should be leaving.” I looked up and saw his handbag of the day.
I got up furiously from him and slapped him across the face. “How could you!” I screamed in order to get the whole club’s attention.
“What?” he asked looking all innocent.
“Argh!” so you came here with a girl! Liar! How could you! Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” I forced tears out of my eyes and slapped him again. “You were going to cheat on her and use me!” I slapped him again. At this point, I was so glad that I used to be part of the drama group in church when I was younger because I would have busted into a fit of laughter just from looking at the confused expression on his face.
“She is drunk.” He tried to defend himself and I slapped him again.
“Shameless old man! Better go and get married! Look at yourself!” I screamed, “Aren’t you ashamed?” I noticed the girl leave the club from the corner of my eyes and a little smile almost crept onto my lips “I will teach you never to mess with a lady.” I added in a venomous loud voice “This is war!” I screeched and stormed off to the bar leaving him standing and staring at me in shock. The club busted into a fit of laughter and I smirked to myself and walked to the bar.
“What can I serve you?” The barman asked with that smile that all employees who deal directly with customers are meant to have before I could even take a sit on the barstool.
“Mix something up for me, not too strong, not too light,” I said giving him a warm smile before he turned to face his cabinet of wine.
“What a performance” I turned my head to see the same guy that came down from the Red Baby Boy.
“Thank you.” I smiled at him then turned my attention to the barman who was now mixing some concoction into a wine glass
“Could I have the honour of ordering a drink for you?” I heard him say.
“Oh? You are such a gentleman.” I teased “But I already ordered mine.”
“Then could I take the bill?” he asked again.
“If you take the bill I’ll ask for six more shots, a roasted chicken and a room to stay in when I am drunk.” I said with a serious face “You don’t want that happening.”
I looked at him from the corner of my eyes and saw him smirking then the barman kept my wine glass in front of me with a warm smile and I briefly returned it before staring at my wine’s colour. It was yellow, green and red and I almost called him back to ask him how he got the three colours to stay separately but I held back. Then I noticed the slice of lemon at the edge of the wine glass. I picked up the glass and drank slowly trying my best to ignore the guy beside me.

“Nice!” I said to the barman once he came to my side again. He smiled and showed me the bill for my drink. My eyes almost popped out and all of a sudden the drink didn’t seem so fabulous again. Fifteen thousand naira for a glass of concoction wine! I looked beside me and saw that the guy was gone but I noticed a wad of cash on the table beside me and a note with it. ‘You should get that room too’ the note read.
I was furious! Who did he think he was? I looked around the club and he was nowhere to be found and I noticed that nutty prof had disappeared too.
I put my hand in my back pocket, brought out my Debit card and gave it to the barman, then picked up the money which Mr. ‘I’m so fly and cool with cash and I’m flaunting it’ left behind.
After swiping my card on the card reading machine the barman gave me back my card and I stood up and let the club.

Now that Bolaji had his eyes set on that girl, I would become free! I would blame our lack of connection on her and I would be free! Bolaji seemed ready to take whatever challenge that came with getting that girl and these challenges included our parents.
I looked at the mirror and smiled before turning my face back into the miserable look that I had been practising for the past one hour. I looked like I had been crying for hours and my eyes were blood red. I then dialled my mother on Skype and she immediately answered.
“Sweetheart, what is wrong?” She asked looking all upset and I busted into tears.
“Tell me” she pestered.
“Bola does not like me anymore!” I busted into more tears.
“Why would you say so?” She asked.
“He has been hanging out with this girl a lot and when I asked him about her he kept quiet than the other day I walked into his apartment and saw him kissing her” I cried some more.
“What?” My mother screamed, “I will make him pay.”
“Mum, please don’t let him know I told you, he might never love me again and please don’t tell daddy, I am sure Bola will love me back,” I assured her.
“Don’t worry dear, I will see what I can do to change his mind.” She said in her motherly voice and for a moment I felt horrible for lying to her but I had to get out of that stupid marriage contract.
“By the way, what is the name of this girl?” She asked
“Daniella Okonkwo” I answered as I made a few more tears drop out of my eyes.

To be continued…

Click Here For The Next Chapter Let’s Play Chapter 10

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