Tag: Fablingverse

The Jackal and The...

The Jackal snapped back to his present and clumped his jaw close to The Peacock’s neck but could not bring himself to clench his teeth.

Everybody’s Man – Chapter...

She helped him in then shot the door before leading him to her couch. Trying not to say what was on her mind - and she had a lot on her mind - she stared at him with pity. She knew why he did it, why he had sex with every skirt. She believed she knew why, but she could never bring her self to have that conversation with him, plus he was tired, now would not be the time to talk.

Why Lion is Only...

Even though he felt he was the strongest, the young lion obeyed his mother and remained in the forest, away from humans, until he grew up and became Lion, King of the forest. Then he became bored and wanted more. He wanted to be the King of the world, not just the king of the forest.

Let’s Play – Chapter...

I dropped the call before he said anything to change my mind. And just when Mr. Conscience tried to achieve what Mr. Common Sense couldn't achieve. A big bright smile appeared on my face! I AM MILLIONIAR!!!

Everybody’s Man – Chapter...

The second they were out of view, he pushed her against the wall and ravished her lips, his right hand pushed her top down and dug into her bra, cupping the breast, rubbing the tip with his thumb.

The Beginning of Humans...

While the sons had built houses for themselves, the wild son refused to live in a house and when the youngest daughter crossed over, he smelled her and attacked her, and she cried for help.

The Beginning of Humans

“How about we bring African folktales here, let’s create a world where the stories from old, by your people can come back to life.”

Kidnapping Father Christmas: Chapter...

Ebuka sat on the cold, dusty floor of the abandoned storehouse, his back against the wall. His younger brother, Chukwuma, was huddled beside him, sobbing uncontrollably, his head resting on Ebuka’s lap.

Kidnapping Father Christmas: Chapter...

The gunshot reverberated through the night, causing Atutu to panic, but before he could react, Ebuka crept up behind him and slammed the stick into his neck. Atutu crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Kidnapping Father Christmas: Chapter...

The initial shock had barely worn off when panic gripped Ebuka, realising the gravity of the situation. His younger brother, Chukwuma, had not just kidnapped "Father Christmas

Kidnapping Father Christmas: Chapter...

“Make we just go, hin don fuck up, make we go.” Atutu had clearly had enough, they had been under the sun for the whole day and even now as the sun was setting they had only drank one sachet of water each.

Kidnapping Father Christmas: Chapter...

Mama Oyinbo, still brushing her teeth, walked to the edge of the pavement, noticing the two men sleeping on the ground. Without hesitation, she kicked them awake.

