Tag: Fablingverse

Kidnapping Father Christmas: Chapter...

"Urgh! Father Christmas pissed on himself!" Osas exclaimed, wrinkling her nose in disgust as she backed away.

Kidnapping Father Christmas: Chapter...

Atutu stormed into the hideout, his face twisted in anger as he cursed under his breath. The frustration was palpable.

Kidnapping Father Christmas: Chapter...

The children gathered around the dazed and disoriented Father Christmas, who was now sitting on the floor, struggling to make sense of what was happening.

Kidnapping Father Christmas: Chapter...

“We found the real Father Christmas!” Chukwuma exclaimed.Some minutes later the boys returned to school to meet the girls who were also excited about their find. Malik whispered to them and handed Habibat a transparent water bottle filled with black liquid to give to Father Christmas.

Kidnapping Father Christmas: Chapter...

“The one that they will bring to your school is the real Father Christmas.” Ebuka thought, “If the one they bring to your school is not then it is one of Father Christmas’s assistants, you can still kidnap that one.”

Kidnapping Father Christmas: Chapter...

“Me, I’m calm.” Oyinbo replied “I go the place yesterday and dem don employ me as dem Father Christmas.”

Kidnapping Father Christmas: Chapter...

Chukwuma nodded solemnly, not a hint of doubt clouding his youthful face. "So how do I get Father Christmas to give Daddy that kind of money?" he asked, his voice filled with determination.

The Seven Years Girlfriend

Pamela was 21 when they met, he was 25, so we thought they would tie the nut after year one. He had a good job, and so did she, but after year two, they were still dating, then year three came, and year four, and five and six.

Writing Oxygen

He dropped her on her silk covered bed and mounted her, trailing kisses down her neck, his lips stopped on her tit... no cleavage?… Nape?...Belly button?...

What’s The Use?

t all started 7 years ago, after the death of her husband. Toba had cried for days without end. She remembered how he would run to the door filled with hope every time he heard a car horn or a male voice. Then one day he went numb.

The Six Years Plan

A miserable man kills himself after drinking. That would be the headline. I took one more look around to make sure that I left no evidence of me behind.

Ntuoku: After The Rain

“I could not find her.” He said stepping out of the river to reveal rock hard abs, and the sexy V line connecting his upper body to his pelvis. Ada shook her head, her friend was missing, this was not the time to have her hormones running wild.

