Tag: folktale


Ndi be anyi, onye sị nwantakịrị jide nkakwụ, Ya dobekwara ya mmiri ọ ga-eji wee kwụa aka. Our people, He that asks a child to hold a rat, must prepare water that he will wash his hands with Ọkwazi ihe jọgbulu onwe ya, Na mmadụ ga-afụ oke luulu onye Ọzọ, O welu ya je nye onye ọ sị na ya furụ n’anya. It is also a disastrous thing for the owner, that somebody will see the thing that belongs to someone else, take it, then give it to the person he claims to love Onye ahụ ga-emechakwanu lota na efi e wero ọdụdụ chi ya na-achụlụ ya ijiji. That person will later remember that a cow without a tail, its god chases away flies for it.

The Bride Price

Elephant picks Tortoise with his trunk and throws him at the bunch of plantain he had been trying to reach

