Tag: Romance

Let’s Play – Chapter...

"So what did you do?" I squealed as she entered the room. Then I jumped up from the bed and tackled her to the ground. I had been sitting up on the bed and staring at the door all night, waiting for her to come home and the smile she gave me as

Let[‘s Play – Chapter...

Let's Play – Chapter 9: Nigerian, Free, Web Novel,...

Let’s Play – Chapter...

When Bimbo and I got back to our room I narrated everything that had happened between Bolaji and me to her and unsurprisingly she laughed and couldn't stop laughing till I punched her on her arm.

Everybody’s Man – Chapter...

Femi rolled off his bed, the voice in his head had gone quiet the second Alero showed up and had stayed that way. He looked behind him to see her sleeping soundly. She had wooped his ass until she passed out, then he took her to sleep.

Everybody’s Man – Chapter...

She grabbed his glass of schnapps and drowned it. Then resumed next to him on the couch. Drunk, and ready to woop his ass.

Let’s Play – Chapter...

I was pretty messed up through all my classes; I couldn't stop thinking about Bolaji, it was so bad that I didn't know when my lecturers came in and when they left.

Comparing Sizes

It was non of her business, this was not a story she should be involved with. But the two men had mad it thing, arguing about their size and sexual prowess in class, but since they were comparing sizes, she had to know the winner.

Let’s Play – Chapter...

Let's Play – Chapter 6: Nigerian, Free Web Novel,...

Writing Oxygen

He dropped her on her silk covered bed and mounted her, trailing kisses down her neck, his lips stopped on her tit... no cleavage?… Nape?...Belly button?...

I’ll Never Let You...

They stay with me. I’ll even change their names to mine.” She meticulously arranged the contracts in her hands. “Tunde, I will never let you go.”


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