Tag: Slice of life

Nature’s Little Mistake

I was born a mistake. Wait, don’t starts talking nonsense about nobody being born a mistake or God, The Writer having a purpose for everybody. Just listen without interrupting for once in your life. So, I was born a mistake on January 9, 1981. My parents did not want me, my father rejected my mother’s pregnancy, and my mother rejected me by downing some abortion pills in her third trimester, but I was born.

Everybody’s Man – Chapter...

Femi rolled off his bed, the voice in his head had gone quiet the second Alero showed up and had stayed that way. He looked behind him to see her sleeping soundly. She had wooped his ass until she passed out, then he took her to sleep.

Everybody’s Man – Chapter...

She grabbed his glass of schnapps and drowned it. Then resumed next to him on the couch. Drunk, and ready to woop his ass.

