Home WEB NOVELS The Tale Of Omekagu The Tale of Omekagu – Chapter Three

The Tale of Omekagu – Chapter Three

Omekagu lyrics and story mike ejeagha igbo to englich translation Omekagu - Lyrics

The Tale of Omekagu – Chapter Three, Igbo to English translation, Mike Ejeagha’s song, Omekagu, lyrics, Igbo folk music, Opi, Omenani, folksong, Fablingverse folktales, Igbo folktale, fabling, ọfọ na ogu, free to read, read free stories from Africa

“What do you mean, you would like to announce Omekagu as king?” One of the elders asked, appalled.

“Abomination!” Another exclaimed.

“This is my title, and I shall do with it as I want.” The king insisted

“If your father had broken tradition, will you be king now?” Another elder asked.

“My father kept tradition only because I was his favourite child. I won over my father and won over this position. Omekagu’s brother has not earned my inheritance.”

“You are blinded by love and bias.” The first elder spoke “And I refuse to be part of this madness.”

“How can you even consider taking away that which belongs to another and giving to someone else, simply because you prefer that person.” The oldest elder said. “Are you acting out of justice and fairness?”

“Like I said, it belongs to me, and I will give it to whoever I want to.”

As they spoke the dibia returned to the palace.

“Igwe, I have returned with a warning from the gods.” He said.

“After disrespecting me this morning?” The Igwe signalled for his guards to throw out the dibia.

But the dibia hit his staff on the ground and they halted, afraid.

“Before doing evil to a person, he said, gather sand in your hands and lift it to the sun god three times, to let her know that what you are doing is just and you have no fault. Because. if the person feels wronged and cries to the same god, she will still exact justice on you as she did to them.” The dibia turned and left once he had spoken.

After hearing the Dibia’e words, the elders got up and left, advising the king to not upset their traditions because they exist for a reason. But the king would not listen. He loved Omekagu and he was going to give him the world.

He sat on his throne and thought of what he could do to ensure that Omekagu got everything after his death.


As Omekagu’s brother walked down the forest he could feel the terrain change from green to a mix of purple and red mist.

“What brings you here young king?” He looked around but could not see where the voice had come from.

“I was told about a gift that the gods have for me.” He answered.

“You must be Omekagu’s brother.” The voice came again as a man came into view. He was more handsome than any living human he had ever seen and his hair was as red and thick as cow’s blood.

“Who are you?” Omekagu’s brother asked.

“I cannot bear my name as the king has not born his.” The man replied, then continued. “I have a story to tell you, can I join you on your journey?”

Omekagu’s brother looked around, he was no longer on earth, but he did not see a need to feel afraid. “Yes, you may.”

Go To Chapter 4



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